I plan on making categories for posts, and official project posts will get labelled with numbers!
Onto to the project deets!
I've been really wanting to spruce up my wardrobe with more feminine clothing, so one step in that direction is to accessorize. I've also been feeling bland about my hair, so I went with the idea for making headbands. Today I went to Dressew on Hastings downtown, and had a field day pretty much, lol. They have an entire basement level just for notions. 2 or 3 *aisles* just for zippers! Ughgh, it was kind of a miracle that I only ended up spending 22 bucks there. I got some aaaamazing swag though.
Picspam time!

Here's my loot from that trip out! They had an entire wall with sparkly sequin appliques that I spent like 15 minutes staring at. I wanted to get small ones of each colour, but I just went with the blue...for now. ;) Aaah the cute fake flowers were super cheap too! There was also a section for feathers, so I might make a fascinator at some point, and got the red just in case (to match a dress I recently made <3).

And here's what first came from the stash. :) I took the plain small headband, and wrapped the peach ribbon around it using hot glue to keep it in place. After that step, I placed on the sparkly peach flowery item. A small pink ribbon is wrapped around the bottom, topped with a pink button! It probably only took like 20 minutes to make and looks super cute. :) Now just to find an outfit to wear with it... hehe.

What it looks like on me. I'm pretty happy with it, but at the moment I literally just have a ton of tank tops and not enough pretty things for it, haha. Sooo much fun to make though!
Coming up next: another headband using one of the sequin pieces. Simplier, and more funky for everyday wear, yay!