My mom kinda has a thing for gnomes, so this year I wanted to make her a themed gift basket for Christmas. I bought her a gnome ornament at a craft fair (thanks CutesyPoo!), and I also made her a little something to hang up. I'm not sure whether or not make it an ornament too because it is a smaller hoop...Hmmm. (Other things include coffee for the tassimo that pops said he's getting her, bath bombs, chocolate, etc - I'm so excited to gift it!).
I finally found my camera, hence the massive (well in comparison) updating and cruddy night shots, haha.

I wrapped the frame in green ribbon. Looks much better in natural light!

And another shot!
On another note, I'm almost half way to 50! I did start this in May, so I have till May to achieve my goal of 50 projects. I'll probably keep going on using it though because it's nice to have a craft journal. :)
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