My name is Emma, and making things is one of my passions. This summer, I have a lot of time to myself and I want to improve my range of skills and just...create instead of spending a fortune on things.
The goal:
Make 50 crafty things, big or small within the year starting in May 2010.
The inbetween - posting things that inspire me, things and events that are crafty related. <3
Thursday, April 14, 2011
#35 No Embroidery
This past week at my crap job has been, well, extra crappy. Normally I just get through it but Tuesday I wanted to scream "NOOOOO" at the world.
Simple project is simple! And closer up.
It was really relaxing to embroider this to let out the frustration, especially while watching a marathon of a movie (Twin Towers, lol).
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