It took me a couple of days to accomplish. So much hot glue and duct tape! I followed a livejournal tutorial for it, but since I found it a few months ago, it's been removed or set to private so I winged it after I got the general body of the thing finished. The only problem is that I got shitty posterboard for it so it flops around a lot. I'll probably add some cardboard to the inside to make it more sturdy. Hurray for working at a place where I can snag boxes easily!
Here's pictures in order of completion!

^Being all confused as to how to get it to stay put...

^With some of the felt on it and the face completed

^Then the final product!
...Wait, I think I forgot the antennae. :S Oh well, too excited - had to post! lol. I managed to find some green stockings for pretty cheap at Dressew too! So just need to get a ball made and some green slippers to go with it! :D