Happy Rocktober everyone! This is pretty much my favourite month of the year. It's got "eat a lot of food" day for us Canadians (aka Thanksgiving), Will's birthday, and the almight Halloween! It's my absolute favourite holiday! You get to dress up, eat a lot of candy AND watch scary movies shamelessly/force friends to watch it with you in the spirit of halloween! Aaaaah it's the best. :D
Anywho, so I had the day off yesterday and went to fabricland. I found some wicked cheap Halloween fabric. The downside was that it was glittery, so I still have glitter all over me from handling the stuff. To kick off my halloween crafting, I made a banner to hang up on the wall! I'm pretty happy with it, so here are the pictures:

The triangles! It's the sheer glittery fabric on top of orange broadcloth, with bias tape as the "rope". I was inspired by Meg's mother's day banner in the Decor It Yourself segment of threadbanger. :D

In action! It's really hard to get decent action shots of it when it's above a huge ass window. So during the day it's way to bright to get a decent picture, and at night it also sucks, lol.
Yay! I hope to make many more halloween crafts...to Will's dismay probably, haha.