This project is totally premature, haha. But I just couldn't resist! I got the idea from Martha Stewart's wedding crafts section, so I'll be making a stand for these babies later on...but for now it's just the cards. :)
I used some left over card stock paper from the bridesmaids invites project, and created mini flags as escort cards! The pack actually had a lot of colours that go with our theme. Well, the pink is in place of our red for this but the rest is exactly how I wanted it. I'll make more for more people as I think of them.
I just made little cut outs in Word, and used a paper cutter to slice them up. Everything's been glued together.
Onto the pictures!

The flags pre-tooth picks.

All done!

And a close-up.
Overall, I really like how they turned out. Not much fixing to be done, but I still consider these in "mock-up" phase.
I'll be making the stand for the flags later, with a Styrofoam base!